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Personalise Your SMS Broadcast Messages

Square1 has added a TAG feature to its Message Squared Broadcast Platform

The Broadcast Manager service is divided into two basic functions: List Compiler and Transmissions. The List compiler deals with the creation and maintenance of the lists of mobile numbers and the Transmission functions look after the scheduling and sending of messages to those lists.

Each record within a list can include other information in addition to a user's mobile number. The TAG field would traditionally be used to store the name of the person alongside their mobile number. If, within your transmission message, you then insert %TAG when the transmission is sent the target's name will be inserted into the message.

For Example within the database we have a record within a list that holds the following fields:


447966123456, Mr Stephens

If the Transmission reads "Free Msg: Hello %TAG. Just a quick message to say that St John's School will be closed today because of the snowy weather" then the message received by the mobile phone would read "Free Msg: Hello Mr Stephens. Just a quick message to say that St John's School will be closed today because of the snowy weather"

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