All the numbers, all the tarrifs.
UK Geographic Numbers
Geographic telephone numbers are phone numbers that are assigned to a specific geographical area or region, typically based on a location’s area code.
We stock many UK area codes and we can route them directly to you or provide a range of services such as our Cloud based Switchboard Kawler Connect.
For further information call us on 0800 044 01234
or email us at
Premium Rate and Non-Geographic Numbers
**Premium rate numbering** refers to phone numbers used for services that charge a higher rate than regular telephone calls. These services typically include things like:
Customer support lines
Information services (weather, sports, horoscopes)
Voting or competition lines
Entertainment services (such as adult content, psychic services, etc.)
Charity donations via SMS or premium billed calls
For further information call us on 0800 044 01234
or email us at
Ireland - If you are running UK premium rate services it makes sense to double up.
Square 1 has partnered with a leading Irish Network to provide a full range of Irish premium rate numbering.
We provide advice and guidance to help you prepare your promotional materials to adhere to the Comreg Code of Practice and help with the registration process in Ireland.
For further information call us on 0800 044 01234
or email us at